Welcome to the largest internet site dedicated to the Euro...

Member, enthusiast or simply curious, discover all there is to know about the Single Currency through these pages: its history, characteristics and plenty more besides...

Les Amis de l’Euro, (The Friends of the Euro) is a society composed of 1004 members and a team of voluntary specialists who are at your service to keep you informed about all aspects of the Euro.

Our goal: to be at the service of the collector and to promote awareness and understanding of the single currency. A simple means of payment for most Europeans, the Euro is in fact a part of history, a means of communication. The Euro is also a collectable item that comes in many different shapes and sizes…


Member of the Fédération Française des Associations Numismatiques

Some pages on the internet site may be accessed by anyone (presentation of the society and services proposed by the society, presentation of European countries and states), but most of the site content is accessible only to members (comprehensive catalogue on the Euro, small ads, forum, consolidated orders). In all, there are more than 2,200 pages accessible to members of the society. The membership fee (less than one Euro a month) gives access to all the services provided by the society.

Our association currently counts 1004 members.

Les Amis de l'Euro – Front page news

"AD€ (Les Amis de l'€uro)" is an association governed by the French law of 1901 (Journal Officiel, December 20th 2003 n° 1783).

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Last update the 05/06/2011
by Olivier FOURNIER