The International Numismatic Council

The International Numismatic Council (INC) has the mission of promoting the numismatics and sciences which are referred to it by facilitating the co-operation between individuals et and institutions in the field of the numismatics and sciences which are referred to it.

The INC gathers all the important international actors of the Numismatics. This is why The Friends of the Euro, most important French numismatic association in terms of membership, stood as candidate and was accepted in 2008 as a member of this international institution.

We will of course take part to the next International Numismatic Congress which will be held in Glasgow in 2009, congress organized by the INC.

Being member of the INC enables us to have a certain visibility on an international scale and to make us known by the most important institutions.

Last update the 21/08/2010
by Joachim Marchandise